Friday, February 18, 2011

YAY! I'm a PUREX Insider!

OhMyGosh! EXCITEMENT! I just found this e-mail today as it was sent to my junk folder. I was selected to be a PUREX Insider. There was an application process for this and I had to wait several weeks for word back. When I was filling out the application, I was laughing to myself about all the social networks I use, my blog and how socially internet connected I am. Oh well, guess it paid off :) YAY for my social network addiction and coupons and samples addiction to come together! <3

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Hi belindamarie,

Congratulations on being selected to be a Purex Insider!

The insiders program is intended to gather feedback and insights from influential bloggers like you.  To capture your feedback, and to share our progress, we’ve created the Purex Insiders web site.  The site is a place for you to get additional product information and assets, as well as post questions and feedback (positive and negative).

To access the site, log in with the user name and password you created when you applied to be an Insider.  I recommend you watch the video called “Meet the Team” and get an Insiders introduction to the women and men who work on the Purex family of products.

Congratulations again on being selected. Being a blogger myself, I am excited to get to know all of you and look forward to working with you.  

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